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theory of demand中文是什么意思

用"theory of demand"造句"theory of demand"怎么读"theory of demand" in a sentence


  • 需求论
  • "theory"中文翻译    n. 1.理论,学理,原理。 2.学说,论说 (opp. ...
  • "demand"中文翻译    vt. 1.要求,请求;需要。 2.询问,盘问,追究。 ...
  • "demand theory" 中文翻译 :    需求理论; 需求论
  • "aggregate demand theory" 中文翻译 :    总需求理论
  • "consumer demand theory" 中文翻译 :    消费需求理论; 消费者需求理论
  • "demand pull theory of inflation" 中文翻译 :    需求过渡引起的通货膨胀理论
  • "theory of demand pull inflation" 中文翻译 :    需求拉动通货膨胀论
  • "theory of demand-pull inflation" 中文翻译 :    需求拉动通货膨胀理论
  • "theory of excess demand of inflation" 中文翻译 :    通货膨胀超额需求理论; 需求过多引起通货膨胀的理论
  • "transportation demand theory" 中文翻译 :    运输需求理论
  • "at demand" 中文翻译 :    即期票
  • "be in demand" 中文翻译 :    销路好,有需要; 应邀121
  • "demand" 中文翻译 :    vt. 1.要求,请求;需要。 2.询问,盘问,追究。 3.【法律】召唤。 demand an interview 要求会面。 The work demands care. 那项工作需要细心。 demand sb.'s name 询问姓名。 demand (sth.) of [from] (sb.) 向(某人)要求(某物)。 She demanded that we let her in. 她要我们让她进来。 vi. 要求,查问。 ★后面子句中的动词,美国人多用假设语气现在式,即第三人称单数现在时不加 -s,如:She demands that he assume the responsibility. (她要求他承担责任。)英国人则用 should assume. n. 1.要求,请求。 2.需要;销路。 I have a demand to make of him. 我对他有一个要求。 supply and demand 供给和需要。 demand for a commodity 商品的需要[销路]。 There are many demands on my purse. 我有许多事情要花钱去办。 be in demand 有需要,销路好。 on demand 请求即(a bill payable on demand 见票即付的票据)。 present one's demands 提出要求。 n. -er 要求者。
  • "demand for" 中文翻译 :    对需求
  • "demand of" 中文翻译 :    要求
  • "in demand" 中文翻译 :    非常需要的,受欢迎的; 顾客需要; 销路好, 有需要; 有需求; 有需要,销路好; 有需要的
  • "not demand" 中文翻译 :    不需要
  • "on demand" 中文翻译 :    按需服务; 兑现时付款; 根据买方通知交货; 急需的; 即期,见票即付; 见票即付, 即期; 见票即付,即期; 见票交货;根据买方通知发货; 开通请求; 受到要求时; 一经请求
  • "on demand of" 中文翻译 :    经…请求
  • "and theory" 中文翻译 :    经验与理论,119
  • "in theory" 中文翻译 :    从理论上说; 理论上,理论上讲
  • "s theory" 中文翻译 :    弗洛伦斯学说; 戈尔茨学说; 赫伯理论; 嘉农氏理论
  • "the theory of the" 中文翻译 :    事业理论
  • "theory" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.理论,学理,原理。 2.学说,论说 (opp. hypothesis)。 3.推测,揣度。 4.〔口语〕见解,意见。 the theory of two points 两点论。 Darwin's theory of evolution 达尔文的进化论。 theory of equations 【数学】方程论。 theory of everything 【物理学】(把相对论、量子论和宇宙大爆炸理论都包括在内的)万用理论。 theory of relativity 【物理学】相对论。 the atomic theory 原子说。 Our scheme is good both in theory and in practice. 我们的方案在理论上和实施上都是好的。 combine [separate] theory with [from] practice 理论结合[脱离]实际。 My theory is that we must bring new blood into the Institute through appointment of younger men to important positions. 我的意见是我们学院应该通过重用年轻一些的人来注入新的血液。 theory of games 博弈论,对策论,权衡利弊得失的形势分析。
  • "theory of" 中文翻译 :    经验的理论,6


  • Now marshall's theory of demand is no doubt admirable .
  • Theory of demand - pull inflation
  • An original idea is to apply the money psychology theories to the theories of demand
  • These theories include the theories of demand , entrust - agent theories & human capital theories
  • Because of its weakness , the theory of demand scarcity could n ' t solve the problem in developing country particularly in china
  • So the domestic and foreign scholars have carried on the revision to the classic theory , or attempted to establish a new theory of demand for money
  • As there are basic differences between the theory of demand transformation and other schools of thought on pensioning , an analysis of the pension systems of some typical countries can be used to prove the theory of demand transformation of care during old age
  • Consequently , the military supplies acquisition should conform to the market principles and take full advantage of the effective allocation of resources in order to pursue the appropriate prices . ( 2 ) it covers the theory of demand and supply in military supplies
    ( 1 )利用市场理论,论证军需采办与普通商品的市场交易过程是没有本质区别的,军需采办同样应遵循市场规律,充分利用市场有效配置资源,以寻找真实的军需品价格为根本。
  • After defining the military supplies acquisition , it started to make a normative analysis of the acquisition activities taking advantage of the theory of military supplies market , the theory of demand and supply in military supplies , the performance theory in acquisition activities and the theory of public objects so as to figure out the basic principles and the general methods in military supplies acquisition in terms of economics
  • 更多例句:  1  2
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